But The Sims 4 modding community has also made some life state mods of their own, offering totally new options for your sims to become new and mysterious creatures. Some mods have also taken some base game life states and drastically improved them.
sims 4 mythical creatures mod
Download File: https://shoxet.com/2vKJqZ
Sims as young as toddlers can become an ogre, and ogres have the unique ability that allows them to eat other sims for nourishment. If other normal sims see this occurring, they will run away or possibly even throw up. Eating a sim will also cause an ogre to gain weight drastically.
So I had the idea that since we already have the Realm of magic and the Vampires packs, why don't we amp it up a bit. I had the idea for a Mythical Creatures Expansion Pack. So basically what the pack is ; your sim would get the luxury of being a pixie, werewolf, mutant, Dyrad, Elf , etc. The sims would be able to adopt rare mythical creatures such as; dragons, fairies, imps etc. They would be able to tame and train them to do loads of diffrent things. The sims would also learn many abilities based on the role and path that they choose wether it be good or evil.
When you have installed the pack, the portals can be found in the miscellaneous section of the entertainment category. After you have placed the portals, you will be able to see their work in live mode after a few seconds. So, what are you waiting for? Turn your sims into portal travelers now. For more mod info, here!
Are you as tired of the boring, non-existent interactions between your sim spellcasters and familiars as we are? Yeah, well luckily for all of us, SIMSMODELSIMMER has fixed that with this Familiar Interactions mod! With this magical mod, your sims can request random magic tips from their sidekick familiars. Or, they can simply just have a conversation with them about some magical creature, dangerous magic stuff or some untamed magic. We love this mod, as it just makes familiars be of more use than just simply a visual sidekick.
Have you ever wanted your sims to be occult hybrids? Meaning more than one occult at a time. Yes, so have we! When we discovered this mod by TWELFTHDOCTOR1, we nearly screamed with excitement! Okay, let us take a look at these wicked occult hybrids! This mod allows the following occult to become certain hybrids through normal means.
Have your sims choose various classes to attend! The available subjects will be unlocked at level 3. The subjects include Astronomy, Herbalism, General Magic, Practical Magic, Meditation, Mischief Magic, and Muggle Studies.
When your sims achieve a milestone like landing a lead role in the hottest pirate movie, writing their next great novel, or catching a huge fish, your sims build their fame level. Other sims will want to take their picture and get their autograph. Having other sims gawk and have a fan freak-out over your sim is amusing and gratifying; it feels like a reward for all the hard work you put toward their celebrity status.
Exploring tombs is spooky and exciting. Not only can you bump into skeletons, but you risk having your sims cursed and transformed into skeletons as well. Depending on if the transformation is a curse or blessing, you will either get stuck in skeleton form or be able to change back whenever you want. This will either make you want to laugh or punch a hole through your monitor. There is no in-between.
Parenthood is another key addition to the Sims 4, especially for players that want to focus on building a family. While this is a must-have pack, we wish that this was included in the base game, considering the big improvements it brings to one of the core gameplay pillars of The Sims. The base game includes a huge family tree aspiration, but Parenthood expands on this concept so it involves more than just having your sims pump out babies.
As the name implies, this pack is great for sims who want more variety when building and decorating their kitchens. The new knife rack, cabinets, and spice racks for build mode bring a homey aesthetic and a touch of realism. But the ice cream is where this pack gets really fun.
The transparent upper piece around the shoulders and beautiful sparkly fabric below the chest makes for a long, extravagant skirt that is sure to turn the head of any mythical creature or dashing sorcerer.
Spirits, Myths, and Legends Story Interactions introduces 11 new interactions for your sims to use! They are creepy and eerie myths and legends from around the world! I wanted to include something for the Halloween Season so here it is! This was a lot of work with researching these legends and trying to keep it as concise as I could! 2ff7e9595c