Lessons from a kindergarten teacher with over two decades of classroom experience.
The goal of this blog is to share insights from a teacher who has been in the classroom for over twenty years. As a learning organization, Kindergarten Keys is a place for teachers, students and parents to reflect on strategies and resources that can help all of us to be better learners.
Thursday, October 9, 2017
Infusion Theatre: Butterflies
Easter Bunny is not in town! No Easter Bunny. No egg hunts. No Easter bonnets. No Easter baskets!
He's not in town, so we'll do Easter in a whole new way! Butterflies are
the talk of the classroom this week.
Have you ever had a bad day at school? Really bad? One of those days you know that you can't make it out of the classroom? Well, I've had those days.
When I was little, my parents came up with a plan to keep me from turning into a
complete and utter total jerk. On certain days, I had to
stay after school. And on certain days, I had to stay after school for a
very long time. During these moments of extended detention,
my parents would be incredibly vigilant. They would search for
attitude-checkers and redirection opportunities that could keep my anti-social
behavior in check.
This was all well and good for about a week. The problem was, they
were learning new and valuable lessons on how to keep me in check. You see, I'm
a guy who doesn't take "no" for an answer. A "no" to me is a
"hell no!" In fact, sometimes it takes me longer to say
"no" than it takes you to get it out.
One day at school, I heard the teacher say "Mr. Wisdom, I want you to stay after school today."
After hearing this, I knew exactly how I was going to do this.
"No, really," I said. "I'm not going to stay after school. I'll stay after school for you if you're going to have me stay after school for me. I'll stay after school for you for a day, a week, a month... for however long you want me to stay after school. But, no. I'm not going to stay after school for you today. Not today, not any
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